Our fourteenth annual Great Turkey Giveaway will be Saturday December 14, 2024. We will provide more than 500 turkeys and all the trimmings for wonderful Christmas dinners.
Each complete dinner costs $25 (inflation!) so donations are always welcome. Donations can be made through our PayPal – note Great Turkey Giveaway.
See pictures of our amazing volunteers in action!
We celebrated our 12 year anniversary on 7/17/24!
Client-choice Shopping
The Shepherd’s Market is open Mondays from 3:30-5:30 p.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-10 a.m. We serve the FIRST 50 families/individuals that come for food – rain or shine. Clients are only able to shop for groceries once a month.
How does it work?
- Just park and come inside through the back side door.
- You will be given a number and offered a hot meal while you wait to update your information. Clients may receive ONE NUMBER for ONE HOUSEHOLD per pantry shift. This will allow us to serve every household in line each pantry day.
- After information is updated, when your number is called, you will go inside the pantry and, with the help of volunteers, select your own groceries!
- Volunteers will assist you with loading groceries in your vehicle.
Please bring a Photo ID and Proof of Residence (something other than your photo ID such as any bill or lease with your name and current address).
The Shepherd’s Market volverá a nuestro método de distribución Client-Choice en junio.
La despensa de alimentos estará abierta: Lunes de 15:30 a 17:30 y Martes y Jueves de 08:00 a 10:00.
Nosotros solo serviremos las primeras 50 familias/ personas. Su familiar es elegible para pedir comestibles y comida solamente una vez al mes.
Para pedir comestibles y comida:
- Estaciona su auto y entrap or la puerta trasera.
- Le daremos un numero por su turno en la fila. Los invitamos a compartir una comida mientras que actualizamos su informacion.
- Después de que se actualice su información y cuando su numero este llamado, entraran junto con un voluntario a la despensa de alimentos.
- Nuestros voluntarios le ayudarán a cargar sus comestibles a su vehículo.
Es necessario presenter identificación con foto y prueba de residencia (algo más que su identificación como una factura de agua or electricidad o prueba de arrendamiento).
Volunteers Always Needed
Volunteers should contact Theresa Sandifer (225-337-1306 or [email protected]).
We continue to have regular Food Bank deliveries on Fridays at 8 a.m., and volunteers will be needed for stocking.
The Shepherd’s Market is a client-choice food pantry serving the hungry and needy in south Baton Rouge.
We have been operating for more than 10 years. In that time we’ve opened more than 2,700 unduplicated files, each representing a different family. We serve 380 families per month and distribute 23,000 pounds of food per month.
The Shepherd’s Market serves 35 families per day, or 400 families per month. Our focus area includes zip codes 70808, 70809, 70810 and 70820, but we serve any family in need.
Read about a research project The Shepherd’s Market is part of with LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge Christian Life magazine.